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PZC Minutes 2-24-04
MEMBERS PRESENT:        Timothy Wentzell, Kevin McCann, Sue Larsen, Patrick Kennedy, Suzanne Choate, Bart Pacekonis, and Cliff Slicer

STAFF PRESENT:          Marcia Banach, Director of Planning
                                Jeff Doolittle, Town Engineer


Appl 04-01P, Timothy H. Wentzell, request for an amendment to Section 4.6.c.2 of the zoning regulations to allow interior lots with A-20 zoning on the frontage portion of the property when certain criteria are met

Tim Wentzell presented the proposed amendment to the Commission and the public hearing closed.

Appl 04-02P, Peter DeMallie, Design Professionals, Inc., request for an amendment to Section 4.1.12.b&f of the zoning regulations to allow duplex units as a part of Senior Residence Developments and density requirements related to such use

Peter DeMallie, Design Professionals, Inc., presented the amendment to the Commission and the public hearing closed.

Appl 04-03P, Metro Realty Group request for zone change of 14,718 square feet of land from Gateway Development zone to AA-30 Residence zone for property located on the northerly side of Deming Street, easterly of Buckland Road and westerly of Grandview Terrace

Peter DeMallie, Design Professionals, Inc., presented to the zone change application to the Commission and the public hearing closed.

Appl 04-04P, Metro Realty Group Resubdivision request for resubdivision of 3.7+ acres to create 3 new lots for property located on the northerly side of Deming Street, easterly of Buckland Road and westerly side of Grandview Terrace, AA-30 zone

Peter DeMallie and Karen Isherwood with Design Professionals, Inc., presented the application to the Commission and the public hearing closed.

Appl 04-05P, Redland Brick, request renewal of a two year permit for earth removal for property located at 1440 John Fitch Boulevard, I zone

Barry Miller was present the application to the Commission and the public hearing closed.
Appl 04-07P, OFS Corporation, request for a renewal of a 2 year temporary and conditional permit for a garage storage unit for property located at 260 Ellington Road, I-291 CD zone

Matt Dugay, presented the application to the Commission indicating there are no changes to the application and the public hearing closed.

Appl 04-08P, Watson House Bed and Breakfast, request for renewal of a two year temporary and conditional permit for a bed and breakfast at 1876 Main Street, A-40 zone

Bob Tobin presented the application to the Commission and the public hearing closed.



Chairman Wentzell opened the regular meeting.


There was no participation for items that were not on the agenda.


Discussion/Decision/Action regarding the following:

Appl 03-95P, Frank Bellizzi, request for modification to previously-approved special exception (interior lot, appl #95-33P), to revise house location/layout at 1540 Main Street, A-40 zone (Action by 4-15-04)

Motion to approve subject to town staff suggested plantings of mixed spruce & furs in clustered planting buffer
Was made by Commissioner McCann
Seconded by Commissioner Choate

Motion to amend requiring muted lighting along the driveway
Was made by Commissioner Larsen
Seconded by Commissioner Pacekonis
The motion failed
The vote was as follows:  5:2; McCann, Choate, Slicer, Kennedy, Wentzell nay; Larsen, Pacekonis, aye

Voted on the original motion
The motion carried
The vote was as follows: unanimous

Appl 04-01P, Timothy H. Wentzell, request for an amendment to Section 4.6.c.2 of the zoning regulations to allow interior lots with A-20 zoning on the frontage portion of the property when certain criteria are met

Chairman Wentzell disqualified himself from this application.

Motion to allow interior lots in the following zones: RR, A-40, A-30, AA-30, except with frontage in an A-20 zone with rear land zone where interior lots are permitted shall be allowed.  A variance cannot be granted to this requirement pursuant to CGS 8-6.
Was made by Commissioner Kennedy
Seconded by Commissioner Choate
The motion carried
The vote was as follows: 4:2; McCann, Choate, Slicer, Kennedy; aye, Larsen, Pacekonis,

ITEM: Meeting Beyond 10:00 p.m.

Motion to allow the meeting to continued beyond 10:00 p.m.
Was made by Commissioner Choate
Seconded by Commissioner Kennedy
The motion carried
The vote was as follows: unanimous

Appl 04-02P, Peter DeMallie, Design Professionals, Inc., request for an amendment to Section 4.1.12.b&f of the zoning regulations to allow duplex units as a part of Senior Residence Developments and density requirements related to such use

Motion to approve
Was made by Commissioner Kennedy
Seconded by Commissioner Pacekonis
The motion carried
The vote was as follow: unanimous

Appl 04-05P, Redland Brick, request renewal of a two year permit for earth removal for property located at 1440 John Fitch Boulevard, I zone

Motion to approve with modifications
Was made by Commissioner Choate
Seconded by Commissioner Larsen
The motion carried
The vote was as follows: unanimous

Appl 04-07P, OFS Corporation, request for a renewal of a 2 year temporary and conditional permit for a garage storage unit for property located at 260 Ellington Road, I-291 CD zone

Motion to approve with modifications
Was made by Commissioner McCann
Seconded by Commissioner Kennedy
The motion carried
The vote was as follows: unanimous

Appl 04-08P, Watson House Bed and Breakfast, request for renewal of a two year temporary and conditional permit for a bed and breakfast at 1876 Main Street, A-40 zone

Application 04-08P, Watson House Bed and Breakfast was tabled.

Appl 03-52P, Rye Springs Subdivision request for a second 90-day extension for the filing of mylars

Motion to approve a second 90-day extension for Appl 03-52P
Was made by Commissioner Choate
Seconded by Commissioner Larsen
The motion carried
The vote was as follows: unanimous

Appl 03-69P, South Windsor Realty request for a 90-day extension for the filing of mylars

Motion to approve a second 90-day extension for Appl 03-52P
Was made by Commissioner Kennedy
Seconded by Commissioner Slicer
The motion carried
The vote was as follows: unanimous

ITEM:  Addition to agenda

Motion to add Appl 04-03P, to the regular meeting agenda for discussion
Was made by Commissioner McCann
Seconded by Commissioner Pacekonis
The motion carried
The vote was as follows: unanimous

Appl 04-03P, Metro Realty Group request for zone change of 14,718 square feet of land from Gateway Development zone to AA-30 Residence zone for property located on the northerly side of Deming Street, easterly of Buckland Road and westerly of Grandview Terrace

Motion to approve
Was made by Commissioner Kennedy
Seconded by Commissioner Choate
The motion carried
The vote was as follows: unanimous

BONDS:  Callings/Reductions/Settings

Site Bond
Amount          Reduction               Balance
Appl 00-28P, Wheeler Estates    $183,000                $144,000                $39,000**

**Maintenance level – expires on one year

Motion to reduce Appl 00-28P, Wheeler Estates site bond to maintenance level from $183,000 to $39,000.
Was made by Commissioner Kennedy
Seconded by commissioner Pacekonis
The motion carried
The vote was as follows: unanimous


04-11P, Russo In-Law Apartment, request for a 5-year in law apartment permit for property located at 42 Vintage Lane, RR zone

Appl 04-13P, Hudson Baylor Corporation, request for a site plan modification for property located at 300 Rye Street, I zone


Motion to adjourn at 10:15 p.m.
Was made by Commissioner Pacekonis
Seconded by Commissioner Kennedy
The motion carried
The vote was as follows: unanimous

Respectfully submitted,

Kelli Koehler
Recording Secretary